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How To Add Ads.txt In Blogger Easy Tips Bloggers!

How to add ads.txt in blogger - Nowadays, the blogger platform has a dashboard display that supports file ads.txt which serves to prevent fraud agains

How to add ads.txt in blogger - Nowadays, the blogger platform has a dashboard display that supports file ads.txt which serves to prevent fraud against ad networks such as advertising with spoofing domains and unauthorized inventory.

Previously, the blogger platform did not have a feature to add ads.txt file but considering the input of bloggers, the feature ads.txt was finally launched by the blogger platform developer on 2017.

What is custom ads.txt in blogger? This ads.txt feature serves to eradicate fraud in unauthorized ad inventory and provides solutions to fight domain spoofing so that the advertiser does not feel a loss due to the ads file.txt checks legitimate and certified inventory sources.

If your blogger account has been installed or going to be partners with google adsense, then the ads.txt file you must enter into the blogger dashboard. Because if you did nt notice this file, you will get a notification on the adsense dashboard as shown below.

Which this notification means your Adsense income become risky and has a serious impact if you don't immediately install ads.txt. Therefore, in this article, we wants to provide a way how to fix ads.txt in blogger. Let's continue to see this article!

How to add ads.txt in Blogger

Below are the steps on how to install ads.txt on blogger:

1. Login into your blogger account.

2. Then enter the settings menu

3. Find the the Monetization Menu

4. Copy of file ads.txt the code below

google.com, pub-1345261469906665, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

5. Put and paste on ads.txt menu

Important before clicking save, you have to change the red line first of ads.txt code below.

google.com, pub-1345261469906665, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Which those code are your identity of your adsense account. You should change with ur identity pub adsense account.


google.com, pub-"YOUR ADSENSE ID PUB", DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

6. Click Save

To make sure your ads.txt are added on ur bloggers, you can try by opening the "https://www." yourblogdomains".com/ads.txt"

7. Done

So, after reading this article, we hopes you can understand how to adding ads.txt on bloggers and can overcome the problem of adsense income risk in your adsense dashboard. So that's how to fix ads.tx in blogger ! Hopefully, this article can be useful for all of you.

Tech Enthusiast dan Blogger sejak 2016, dengan background Ilmu Komputer. Sangat menyukai hal-hal tentang teknologi komputer, internet, dan HP Android, main game. Senang berbagi informasi gratis dan b…

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